
Alabaster 75th Anniversary Year

  • Pray for the Churches of the Nazarene around the world that serve the displaced, offering hope and speaking peace.
  • Pray for the many places currently experiencing the devastation of war; pray that the Church may be a visible presence and place of healing.
  • Praise God for the hope that Alabaster projects provide following the devastation of war or catastrophic events.

  • Praise God for the passion for the lost that Alabaster helps to foster in congregations that have received funding.

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

Nazarene missions centers around compassion, evangelism, and education.  
Nazarene missionaries partner with local ministers and lay leaders to bring restoration, share the Gospel, and build sustainability within the community.

To learn more about what the Church of the Nazarene is doing through missions around the world, click here.
If you would like to know what missions giving supports, click here.